
Suffering from Computer Vision Syndrome? Here Are Some Exercises for You

Suffering from Computer Vision Syndrome? Here Are Some Exercises for You
Causes and Symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome Computer vision syndrome is caused by using a computer for a prolonged period. It usually affects p...

Tips to Remove Fog from Eyeglasses

Tips to Remove Fog from Eyeglasses
When you are out in the cold on a chilly night, you may notice a buildup of fog on your lenses. This is a common problem and becomes particularly a...

Ever Heard About Implantable Contact Lenses?

Ever Heard About Implantable Contact Lenses?
Contact lenses are comfortable alternatives to eyeglasses. They are used to correct vision problems, but these lenses must be removed daily for cl...

Detecting Eye Diseases With The Help Of Glow Behind Eyes

One cannot deny the fact that technology has advanced so much in recent years. Likewise, in the field of photography, it has led to delete unwanted...

How To Avoid Going Blind From Contact Lenses?

When a person looks the title, it sounds ironic. Isn’t it? Contact lenses are known to improve vision. But what is the relation between contact len...

10 Eye Symptoms You Should Not Ignore

There are some people in world who do nothing even after knowing that there is something not well with them. They just follow ‘wait and see’ policy...

Know About Common Eye Diseases

Eye is a very important organ in our body. It is very important to protect them from various types of eye diseases. It is necessary to know about c...

Herbal Remedies For Eye Diseases

Nobody knows when eye diseases will hit them. Some are serious and some are not serious. Those conditions which are not serious, heals on own and t...

Naturally Soothing Eye Strain: Causes, Symptoms, and Remedies

Eye strain is a common eye condition. Most of us do not take it serious and just ignore it. However, if taken lightly, it can become chronic and ca...

Protecting The Eyes During Bushfire Season

Before you are aware of the visible smoke, bush fire can target your eyes and can cause eye irritation. Generally smoke contains gas as well as liq...

Useful Tips For Eye Rubbers

Keratoconus is one of the common eye diseases which affects cornea. The cornea is the front surface of the eye. When it gets diseased, the vision m...

5 Successful Dry Eye Treatments That Work Effectively

When summer is there, there is rise in usage of air conditioner as well as cooler fans. Outside, the environment is full of hot and gusty wind. Thi...
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