How Conjunctivitis Affects Babies? [Part-1]

Conjunctivitis is one of the serious eye conditions. Conjunctivitis that affects babies is divided into two types. The first one affects newborn babies and the second one affects babies who are over three months of age. When newborn babies pass through the birth canal, they can get this condition. This can affect the eyes in various ways such as eye infection which is less serious caused by bacteria and viruses commonly found in the birth canal or serious eye conditions which can affect the eyesight. 

Sometimes it also causes scarring and permanent eye damage. When the baby grows up and crosses three months, he or she can start holding things in hand and start to chew it or rub it in the eyes. This is how bacterial conjunctivitis affects babies. Mostly babies are affected commonly with bacterial infection rather than viral infection. Adults are more likely to suffer from viral conjunctivitis and the condition lasts up to ten days. It does not require any treatment and goes away on its own.

Symptoms in babies:

The symptoms are redness, thick pus discharge, swelling etc. When the pus gets discharged, it causes the eye lashes to stick with one another and is mucousy and yellowish. If this condition occurs within 2-5 days after birth, the baby may have gonococcal conjunctivitis. If it appears more than a week, it may be chlamydial eye disease. Both the conditions require urgent treatment. Adults usually get viral form and the discharge is watery rather than thick.

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